Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your privacy.

We will never willfully disclose personally identifiable information about its customers to any third party without first receiving that customer's permission, unless necessary for legal reasons.

Questions regarding this statement should be directed to us here.

What information do we Collect?

Registration & Supplemental Data

In order to access some of the services on this Site, you may require separate user name and password that can be obtained by completing the online registration to become an affiliate, Retail Customer (Member), or VIP Member. By registering, you agree that all information provided in the registration process is true and accurate and that you will maintain and update this information as required in order to insure current, complete, and accurate information.

If you choose to subscribe to any of our services (become a Member), you will be asked to provide additional information, including: name, company name, email address, phone number and/or Skype, mailing address; city, state, country, zip code.

If you complete any of our online forms (including forms on third party advertiser sites) requesting information regarding any of our offers or offers from any of our members, your information will be provided to our members. You will have the option to confirm or decline any offer sent to you by any of our members through our network by clicking on either an authorization link or a remove link.

Once you confirm any such offer the privacy policies and standards of our members will vary and may be significantly different from the policies posted here and in use by us.

How do we use the information collected?
We will aggregate member and visitor information and perform statistical analyses of the collective characteristics and behavior of our members and visitors, to measure overall demographics and interests regarding specific areas of our network and to analyze how and where to use our resources. We also use the aggregate data collected to inform our sponsors and members as to the number of people who have seen and "clicked" on their advertisement, requested further information, or have responded to any offer provided by our members via our network. In addition, we may compile and disclose aggregate information about its visitors and members for promotional or other purposes. For example, we might want to disclose that a certain percentage of our members are located within a particular geographic area or fall within a particular age range.

What about cookies?
We use both session cookies and persistent cookies (for an explanation of cookies, please see Cookies help us determine how long visitors view particular content, which particular content (e.g., advertising) visitors view, which content or sites visitors link to, and which of our services members and visitors use.

Persistent cookies are randomly generated and uniquely assigned to each visitor. They are not associated with any personally identifiable information such as name or password.

Session cookies help us keep track of when a person is logged in. Once a member is logged in, session cookies allow us to personalize information on our Web site for them, as well as keep track of areas to which they have membership privileges.

How can I change or delete information about me?
As a registered member, you have easy access to your information, along with the ability to change it. And, you can always choose to unsubscribe from any services you've subscribed to at any of our sites by deleting your account.

I am not a member. But I am receiving emails from your members; How can I unsubscribe from the email lists?

We teach our members to be spam compliant, there should be an opt out link at the bottom of EVERY email you receive, if you feel you are being spammed please forward a copy of the email(s) to us here

How do we protect the privacy of children?
The services are not intended for use by anyone under the age of 18. However, as with any Web site, children can access all parts of the site which are accessible to the general public. See the "What information do we collect?" section of this document for an explanation of what information is publicly accessible through the site.

Notification of Changes
If we intend to use your personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection, we will notify you via email. You will have a choice as to whether or not we use your information in this different manner. In addition, if we make any material changes in our privacy practices that do not affect visitor or member information already stored in our database, we will post a prominent notice on our web site notifying visitors of the change. In some cases when we post such a notice we will also email users who have opted to receive communications from us notifying them of the changes in our privacy practices.

If you have any questions or comments about this policy, please contact us.